The History and Benefits of Using a Analog Console on Your Next Mix

Analog audio is produced when the recording of a sound wave is preserved in its original form without any form of conversion occurring. An analog mixer uses analog sound transmission to transmit sound, although it’s still being debated that the analog mixer produces the purest form of sound. 

The analog audio process involves the use of a Mic to turn sound or air pressure into an electrical signal before imprinting them on tapes. The sound wave is then amplified afterward. Analog sound works with a continuous signal with a voltage that varies to represent sound directly from the source. The air vibrations that produce the sound are what is recorded in their original form. 

Routing in Analog Consoles

The routing process for an analog console maintains the input/output pattern but is also entirely dependent on the intended uses of the console. Typically, the gears are usually connected to different channels and sent out to your external processors through the main output where they are then finally sent to your amps or speakers. 

In a setting where there will be the need to use an EQ and Crossover, the connection will work like this – gears connected to the console channels and routed through the main output to the EQ input, and from the EQ output to your crossover input, and from the crossover output to the amplifiers or speakers. 

Analog sound cannot be saved in the console because the console does not have built-in memory. Although there are effects on analog mixers, ALL alterations made on the mixer must be recorded with paper and pen. 

Analog signal is original and pure but it is also very time-consuming and looked at as an old-school way of working. Faders and knobs do not contain motors or electronic abilities… So basically EVERYTHING done on an analog console must be done and documented all by hand.

Recording, Mixing, and Saving Sessions on The Analog Console

Recording using the analog method is done by storing the analog signals directly on the media. The analog signal is stored either on a phonograph or a vinyl. Recording with modern-day analog consoles is done by connecting an RCA cable from the mixer to a computer or audio interface, but the sessions are saved on the DAW (NOT THE CONSOLE).

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